We love the new mobile friendly website design and excellent support.
City of God Christian Centre, Newcastle
A church or non-profit logo is a graphic identifier for your ministry or organisation. A Church logo is a visual entity that communicates your church’s identity and brand.
We have designed an ideal logo design package that meets your needs.
Up to 3 Logo Concepts
72hrs Turnaround Time
Unlimited Revisions
Final set of Logos designed to meet all your web, print, media, sign, clothing and other needs
A complimentary stationary- Letterhead
£50 - Special Offer
We've listed a few of the features that were created with your church or ministry in mind.
Ability to add and upload audio and video sermons to the website. Visitors can watch or listen to the sermons or download the file.
Our church websites are designed to adapt to any screen size. One size fits all making it easy to access your website while out and about.
Church events and meetings can be easily added to the calender by date and location. Keep visitors informed of your meetings.
An easy way to accept donations and tithes online.You can now accept card payments on your website via Paypal.
It's easy to add and personalise your church or ministry's content.You can add images or videos and create new pages.
An online store for tangible and digital download. This is great for your Church or Ministry books, CD's and more.
We love the new mobile friendly website design and excellent support.
City of God Christian Centre, Newcastle
We design your website to meet your needs. We offer customization of pre-styled web designs and custom web designs, Let's work your dreams.
Logo design concept, The intial design concept for Shepherd City Ministry in Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Customization of pre-styled website design, This mobile friendly pre-styled design was customised to meet their needs and we integrated the following sermon manager, an events calender, online donations via Paypal, Live video streaming, webstore and itunes podcast.
City of God Christian Centre, Newcastle: Cross Over Service banner design
Website design: Custom website design, initial draft for Shepherd City ministries.
Website design and hosting, Custom design and web development for Divine Adult Foster Care, Michigan, United States
Affordable pricing for your Church Website. Start with the plan that works best,
Can't find an option for your church or ministry? We offer full custom website design and development. Please contact us for a custom quote.
We Are Here To Serve.
Our local church needed a website and after reviewing what was available and cost. We saw the need to provide an effective and affordable website design solutions for churches and charities. We have been called to be good stewards of the resouces God has committed to us.
We are a group of believers who love Jesus and focus our skills and efforts on creating websites and graphic designs that equip local churches with tools to spread the gospel and fulfill the great commission. Our passion is to provide churches with affordable websites that are easy to use and maintain.
We know the needs that ministries have and our websites are set up with these needs in mind. We provide an easy to use content management system, sermon manager, event calender, online giving,live streaming, iTunes podcast integration and other tools to help you grow your ministry online.
Our website plans have been designed to cater for both small and large ministries. Whether you choose a pre-designed template or a custom design, we love to help your ministry come up with a unique custom look. This is why we also offer additional custom design to any of our websites. Common custom design might include banner design, background and color changes, custom home page layouts, as well as custom fonts. Let's get started.
The process to making your unique church or charity website
A Huge Heart For Ministry
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We would love to learn more about your church or charity and answer any questions you might have. Please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you soon.
Drop us a Line.